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PROFESSIONAL VB6 WEB PROGRAMMING. Welcome to the most effective web site that available hundreds sort of book collections. Right here, we will present all books PROFESSIONAL VB6 WEB PROGRAMMING that you need. The books from famous authors as well as publishers are offered. So, you could enjoy currently to obtain one at a time type of publication PROFESSIONAL VB6 WEB PROGRAMMING that you will certainly browse. Well, related to the book that you really want, is this PROFESSIONAL VB6 WEB PROGRAMMING your selection?
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Détails sur le produit
Broché: 450 pages
Editeur : WROX Press Ltd; Édition : 01 (17 septembre 1999)
Collection : Wrox Us
Langue : Anglais
ISBN-10: 186100222X
ISBN-13: 978-1861002228
Dimensions du produit:
19 x 5,1 x 23,5 cm
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1.802.548 en Livres (Voir les 100 premiers en Livres)
I have 4 years VB programming experience, but after read 7 chapters of this book, I'm still feel confusing. Everything are talked a little bit, but nothing is discussed in detail.Each chapter is not well connected, this not like a book but like a huge magazine with a bunch of articles -- too many authers can mess up a good name book. They seems never talk to each other before and after writing this book. for examble, in beginning of chapter 9, it says: "By now you have learned how Active Server Page (ASP) use components. In the next two chapters, we will focus on ... (something base on use components)" -- False! I never learned, at least in this book! In chapter 6 -- DHTML Application. The example application is only working in VB IDE even after making the package. It's either the author's problem or Microsoft's problem. As a "Professional VB Web programming book", it neither explains how to deploy a Web application well in general, nor teach you programming in detail. This book turns me to other ASP books.
This book covers, in excellent fashion, the realm of possibilities in web-enabling your VB6 skills.First, I would like to clarify that VB6 DOES NOT create web applications, but you have a lot of options to allow your application, or your applications logic, to be presented via web browsers. This book shows you API's and scripting languages that can be used with Visual Basic to accomplish tasks.Anyone looking for a specific solution to a web programming project using VB, then get a specialized book for that subject, do not assume this book will cover every detail of your needs.I really enjoyed the coverage of XML becuase it is hard to find quality information about this new language.Once again, Wrox rocks the boat with a great book.
I rated this 5 stars because it has the most useful writeup on writing Server Components in VB for use with ASP - chapters 9-11. I wanted to do this and had trouble getting working samples and explanations. I feel that industrial strength ASP is very ugly and unweildy if you don't encapsulate the code into components. MSDN has lots of reference material about this but little, if any, useful "how to" stuff that i could find.This book showed me how to do exactly what i wanted to do.Other than that, it is a good introduction into a good number of web concepts, old and new. The first 3 chapters were a good overview of Microsoft web concepts and techniques. The writeup on web classes, if you like them, is good. I really liked the CGI case study including how to implement standard input/output via the win32 API.The relatively free use of various win32 API functions in VB help overcome a general fear of mixing VB and CC++ functionality.The book was a bit large but was well organized. In general it gave me a much higher opinion of Wrox books.
I have to agree with previous reviewers, this book DOES cover quite a bit. From DHTML to IIS Applications, but it has to be considered a beginner to intermediate book on Web programming in VB6. Even though the long-term viability of Web Classes is under question, the utter lack of any quality material on the ONE thing Microsoft touts as "Web" enabled in VB6 is extremely disappointing for a book so expensive. You can debug problems with your objects in VB6 with WebClasses that you can't perform with an ASP page and a compiled dll. Do they even mention this? No.For the interested, you can find most of the material discussed in this book by simply looking on MSDN or other web sites for articles on the subjects you're interested in. With multiple authors, that's all you will get out of this book, anyway.
I wrote a review of VB6 Web four months ago, and have since gained a greater appreciation of the book. I was frustrated that it didn't have more WebClass material. I've realized I can't really fault it for that - WebClasses are very new, and nobody has much material on the subject. I've since gone through a book specifically on WebClasses, and it didn't really give much more basic information on the subject than VB6 Web did.I've come to appreciate VB6 Web as a comprehensive reference on web programming in Visual Basic. The web development company where I now work uses VB6 Web as an essential reference in our weekly technology study sessions.