Télécharger Ebook Dogs, by Elliott Erwitt
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Dogs, by Elliott Erwitt
Télécharger Ebook Dogs, by Elliott Erwitt
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Détails sur le produit
Broché: 142 pages
Editeur : teNeues Media GmbH & Co. KG; Édition : Flexi Cover ed. (23 mars 2017)
Collection : PHOTOGRAPHY
Langue : Anglais
ISBN-10: 3832769242
ISBN-13: 978-3832769246
Dimensions du produit:
15,2 x 0,6 x 19 cm
Moyenne des commentaires client :
5.0 étoiles sur 5
2 commentaires client
Classement des meilleures ventes d'Amazon:
297.016 en Livres (Voir les 100 premiers en Livres)
excellent ! sur tous les plans, d'abord du point de vue photographique (cadrage, contraste …) d'un point de vue historique puisque Elliott Erwitt est un très grand photographe et puis parce que ces chiens racontent des histoires, anecdotes qui renvoient à chacun une compréhension de leur propre sensibilité. L'ironie est dominante ! Petit bémol sur cet ouvrage, il mériterait une meilleure reliure. Excellente idée pour offrir ...
Parfait comme petit cadeau pour un passionné de chiens et/ou de photographie. La reliure en elle-même est de bonne qualité, et les photos pleines d'émotion.
The book is ok, but the description says “used, condition very wellâ€, however is not like that, for me is 8/10, and it has a some lines about the dedicatory, it should be mentioned.
Lovely book!It's a perfect gift for a fan of photography!
The great American poet Emily Dickinson said that the mountains grow unnoticed. While that statement may be true, they do not "grow" when being shot by perhaps the best of landscape photographers there has ever been, Ansel Adams. I certainly admire his work and come back to look at it again and again. On the other hand, I am totally captivated by those photographers who can turn a candid moment into great art. Cartier-Bresson was a master of the technique; surely no living practitioner is better at this kind of photography than Elliott Erwitt. While people present their own set of problems for a photographer who is trying to capture the moment, surely four-legged creatures up the ante. Mr. Erwitt in his collection ELLIOTT ERWITT'S DOGS shows that he is up for the challenge.Shot from around the world-- the United States, Brazil, France, Germany, England-- the photographs span roughly sixty years or more. Mr. Erwitt apparently was just as good when he started taking pictures as he is currently. For instance, the photograph (14 - New York City, USA, 1946), taken when he would have been just 18 years of age, is just as intriguing as those from the 21st Century. These beloved animals are everywhere: at weddings, cemeteries, beaches, big city streets, automobiles, the ocean, doorways, the countryside, parks, a vet's office, and even with a president of the United States (President Lyndon Johnson). And while these dogs are often shot with two-legged animals, they are never upstaged by them. The pictures ultimately belong to the four-legged stars. Only rarely does a dog appear to be posed for a portrait. One exception to the rule of that is the dog on the second page of photographs (9. New York City, USA, 1999) in which the gorgeous pooch is sitting, wearing a rose necklace, looking into the camera.Some of my favorite shots-- and there are many of them-- are of close-ups of mutts with only the lower legs and feet of their human companions so Mr. Erwitt says once again that this is all about the dogs, not their owners. The photographer often finds his magic moment as these animals romp at the seashore. Then there are the classic shots of the people leading their dogs into the horizon, as it were. Or how about the bikini-clad woman lying on her back with her pooch in a similar position on his back too (31. Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer, France, 19677). A stroke of genius on Mr. Erwitt's part. His sense of humor is in evidence often too as in the dog checking out the two nudists (41 Ile du Levant, France, 1968) or making use of a vertical object (pole) for his bodily functions. (45. Berlin, Germany, 1995).In his short but thoughtful introduction, Peter Mayle, apparently as much a lover of dogs as Erwitt, says that "When we were introduced, I wasn't sure whether we should shake hands or sniff one another. But once that had been resolved--we shook hands--it was quickly obvious that our shared interest in dogs would lead to friendship. Thus, as time went by, I became familiar with the artist and his work. " Mr. Mayle further states that there are three things wrong with most photographs of dogs, something that Mr. Erwitt manages to avoid: (1) most dog photos are posed, (2) or the dogs are too often "an accessory" to a human being and (3) they are purebreds rather than mongrels.This great collection of photographs should appeal to lovers of dogs, lovers or fine photography and those with and who appreciate a keen sense of humor.
Elliott Erwitt's DogsI bought this book as a gift. I wrapped and shipped it the day it arrived.The recipient has telephoned me and raved about the book. It was thebest present that I have given my daughter this year. ( I should haveslipped it out of its wrapper and looked at it first.) I choose it because of its excellent review that was in the Cincinnati Enquirer.
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